It is said, that the best things happen unexpectedly.
That’s how the last new members of our kennel appears joining our growing team.
Autumn – New Training Season

Greatest uncle Invi (Callidus Invictum UPE – almost 3 years) introducing puppies with the duck
Very first days of the Autumn and we began with new training season.
This time the training is for our youngest generation out of Multi CH Baltia Sumu UPE and Havana Du Nid Aux Nobles puppies, who are just 5.5 months young.
Res. Best In Show JUNIOR and 2 x BOB!

Halston Cinamonn (SABI) – Res. Best in Show Junior at the age of 10 months in International Dog Show!
We are back after long weekend in Moletai, that run very fast as we had 3 Dog Shows with mind blowing results. Continue reading
New UPE Kennel’s Member – MAGAS
We are back from unforgettable trip from Hungary, that will write about it in the next post.
Now want to introduce to our already very much beloved bear-feet male – Halston Caps Lock (Magnum Hunter Jack & Micskei Janka), home name is Magas, which means – Magician. Magas is 9 months of age and he is partly rescued dog.
Kennel UPE – Litter “E” Born 15 of March
15 of March 6 Treasures were born.
We got 5 marvellous females and one strong male.
TRAINING – First Spring Day – 50 pictures

Youngster Du Soleil UPE is smelling hare which was just retrieved by Callidus Invictum UPE (Invi)
Today we were training two young dogs: male 7 months and female almost 8 months – Du Soleil UPE and Halston Cinamonn (Sabi), two older males – Callidus Invictum UPE (2.4 years) and Ivanhoe Du Nid Aux Nobles (22 months) and there was one more veteran lady enjoying activity that she knows very well – UPE. She is 8.5 years old but still flies as a youngster and has a lot of passion to work. Continue reading
Winter Trainings With Young Dogs
It’s not easy to train young dogs outside on snow when weather temperature is low and the wind is strong.. Anyway, we need to keep going, so less training during the winter, but we’re still doing it and waiting for pleasant Spring!
We are waiting for PUPPIES
Want to share with you our joy.
Our every litter is carefully planned in advance and very strongly waited for. So every litter is very special for us and most beloved.
Today we can announce that pregnancy was confirmed, but as they are still not born, we are patiently waiting for them to come.
We expect puppies to be born 14-20 of March. Continue reading
2 x International (CACIB) shows in Vilnius
This active weekend before the most beautiful celebration of the year – Christmas, we had 2 x International dog shows: Vilnius winter’14 and Christmas Cup’14.
We’ve got some really great results of our big and constantly growing GSP company.
Both days all the dogs from adult classes got different results. However, descriptions are good both days. First I will write results and show pictures from both Show days (pictures made by Rasa Budrike – THANK YOU!), and than pictures from grand after-party (pictures made by me), which was hold on Sunday with some puppies who were socialising at the show and having fun outside. Continue reading
Sabi – new treasure in UPE kennel

Very happy me to meet Sabi
Yesterday we had an exciting day. Just in the afternoon we left Lithuania, crossed the Latvia’s border and went directly to the airport.
Here we are. The flight delayed for 30 minutes, so we went upstairs to sit and chill after the trip.
Waiting.. And here it is! The plain Budapest – Riga has landed. Continue reading