Today we have opened the season of training dogs in the fields. We do it constantly to develop the skills of lower and upper search, retrieve, water work, concentration and connection to the handler for young dogs and to maintain developed skills of the older dogs. Continue reading
The trip going up North through Latvia towards Estonia is always beautiful and full of great impressions. Dogs get the freedom running in the beach on the soft sand through the North wind.
And going back with 4 champions from 4 dogs, makes it more than complete.. Continue reading
IDS – Best in Show IV, BIG 1 and BIG 2
The Show season of 2016 is opened loud.
We are back from Kaunas International Dog Show with great results: New Junior Champion, 3 x CACIB, 1 x R. CACIB, BOS, 2 x BOB, res. BEST in GROUP, BEST in GROUP and BEST in SHOW IV..

Magas (Halston Caps Lock) winning Best in Show IV at the age of 18 months
International Dog Show – Best of Breed and more
Every year we participate at the Christmas INT Dog shows in Vilnius.
It’s nice to end the Show year with special mood seeing friends and participating last weekend before Christmas.
So this year we were a big smiley company with our beloved dogs.
On Saturday German Shorthaired Pointers were judged by honorable judge ROBERTO VELEZ PICO (Puerto Rico). Continue reading
LARA – New Member of UPE Kennel Family

Lara before leaving her breeder Istvan Nagy in Hungary
This year – 2015 is very special to our kennel. I would say the most important year in our history since I begun to live with GSP in 2003 and never stopped by then to take interest in this absolutely perfect breed to me.
We import puppies from different kennels and different blood-lines as the strongest aim is to keep this breed in high quality from all aspects.
I am planing to write a separate record about year 2015 and abstract aim of our actions.
And now want to say a short story about our very very beautiful young female puppy Malomkozi LARA. Continue reading
Last weekend was very active, with lots of great emotions between wonderful friends and getting some really amazing results, but lets start from the beginning..
Our aim at this 2 x NDS at Kaunas was to socialise the youngsters (7 months young pups) and get the last Junior Winner title for Magas to close his Lithuanian Junior Champion. And here everything begun.. Continue reading
Pheasant Training And Duck Hunting
Last weekend we’ve spent five hours at the beautiful places with 5 dogs.
We had few hours of duck hunting and than training of lower and upper search with pheasants.
Autumn Training II
Today UPE Kennel’s team had training with 7 dogs. Most likely 6 as the 7th was our youngest member ORI (Malomkozi Luxor), who had the fun time with not so much training, more introduction to the future work, observing how the older dogs are working.
Month ago we presented our new member – Malomkozi Luxor, who we called Snoopy, but in the end he turned to be ORI.

Our cuteness – ORI (Malomkozi Luxor) | 4 months
CACIT – International Autumn Trial 2015
26-09-2015 was CACIT – International Autumn Trial 2015 in Moletai, organised by Lithuanian Hunters and Fishers Association.
9 dogs been entered from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
Judged by A. Kuleša, V.Lakneris, E. Sakalauskas and V. Tamošiūnas. Continue reading
Best In Show III and Best in Show Veteran III
Last weekend our team had a very successful 2 x National Dog Shows in Vilnius.
First day German Shorthaired Pointers were judged by Mr. Markku Kipina from Finland and second day by Mrs. Bozena Ovesna from Check Republic.
First day the absolute star was very young and beautiful Sabi (Halston Cinnamon), winning Junior winner, Best Junior, Best Female and Best of Breed titles in a competition with beautiful dogs being just 14 months young! She didn’t stop with BOB and at the finals we won Best in Group, so went to the final Best in Show ring with other 9 most beautiful dogs of the Show. Here Sabi was selected to the third place! Continue reading