ICF World Championship 2018 Lubieszów, Poland

Long time since I wrote even though so much is happening during this interesting life [:

5-7 October was an impressive event going on – ICF World Championship 2018 in Lubieszów, South of Poland. And we decided to go. First time participating at such a big Sleddog Sports event.

Huge event – over 600 participants. We are used for up to 200 entries [:

Stake-Out area

I just love those stake-out zones. This is just one of the lines seen in the picture

Our family’s stake-out zone [:

Resting Invi & the bee [:

Treasures of my life

This Championship left very best memories and lots of impressions. I really loved seeing people over 60 years old participating with their beloved four-legged friends and enjoying the process. Or very young and ambitious kids. Just because it is FUN.

Julija and Bruno after their Finish in Junior category

Bogdan and Invi were 23d from 49 in the Canicross Elite category. Not too bad as a first time next to the very best runners and well known World Champions.
This sport is so much about the TEAM. It is what I love most about it.

Massive start. Second day

Start moment

Finish is always loud and impressive

Bogdan & Invi at the Finish line

Two happy fellows. Don’t look tired at all

Other happy Lithuanians [:

Such a happy face after finish. Yes, it’s all about the TEAM! Agne & Di

Julija & Bruno start

Julija’s & Bruno finish is always with special effects [:

Junior Julija and her partner Bruno. Beautiful friendship and great results

We used a day off and went hiking to Tatra mountains in Czech Republic

Walking up all together

It must be crowded here during the winter time. Now is silent and beautiful

Soul of the forest


And today, 15 of September is 6th Birthday of our soooo beloved soul-friend Invi.
He is not only a great sports dog, but also our family member at first. Perfect temperament, the sweet loving kitten at home and quite well-behaved monster outside 😀

Bogdan & sweet kitten Invi

This picture is perfect to illustrate how Invi is enjoying every touch and attention.

Sooo now preparing for ?? EC in Nybro, Sweden. See you there.

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1 comment

  1. С прошедшими праздниками! Now being in the sport for 2 years, I started looking and learning about those special breeds for the sport. There are a lot of folks out there with those dogs, a lot of forums and groups on facebook that talks about them. However, I felt it was just talks and people opinions, I wanted to know the truth. As you know I had a brilliant opportunity and qualified to go to the IFSS World Championship in Poland (you can read here about it). I met with so many breeders but also athletes who own those dogs. This trip allowed me to watch the dogs at home (I stayed with few in the same accommodation) but also I could watch them during the big event racing or just sitting at the stake out.

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