Yes yes yes! We are all happy for Baltia Sumu Upe who did it again – last year Baltia Sumu Upe (Rukas) became the Best Young Dog of the Year 2012 from all breeds and this year he became Top Adult Dog nr. III of the Year 2013 from all breeds!

Baltia Sumu Upe with a President of Lithuanian Cynological Society Ramune Kazlauskaite and Dominyka Kolesova
(Photo by S. Barauskas)
Difficult to believe that such a breed as German Shorthaired Pointer is so highly rated between way more show breeds. Otherwise, knowing the fact that Rukas has gained 40 Best of Breed Titles already (he is 2.5 years old..) and was selected as Best in Show dog for 4 times in big International Dog shows, says he is absolutely special boy. Rukas is professionally presented by Dominyka Kolesova and owned by Luiza Olechnovic. Congratulations to great family!
Rukas was nominated at International Dog Show in Vilnius last weekend 08/09-03-2014. Both days there were presented kennel’s UPE team dogs: Callidus Invictum UPE, Carus Stella UPE, Cito Ventus UPE, Baltia Jarvi UPE, Ibelin Du Nid Aux Nobles, Ivanhoe Du Nid Aux Nobles, Havana Du Nid Aux Nobles and Baltia Sumu Upe.
Results Lithuanian Winner’14 (08th) by honored judge J. Butkiene (LT) and Vilnius Cup’14 (09th) by honored judge Luis Pinto Texeira (PT):
Junior class
Ivanhoe Du Nid Aux Nobles – JW (participated only 08-03)
Ibelin Du Nid Aux Nobles – JW (participated only 09-03)
Intermediate class
Cito Ventus UPE – excellent | excellent
Open class
Baltia Jarvi UPE – CAC, R.CACIB | CAC
Working class
Callidus Invictum UPE – CAC | CAC, R. CACIB
Champion class
Baltia Sumu UPE – CAC, CACIB, BOB, Best in Group 2 | CAC, CACIB, BOB

Baltia Sumu Upe 2.5 years old – 2 x CAC, 2 x CACIB, 2 x BOB, Best In Group II
(Picture by Arturasz Photography)
Junior class
Havana Du Nid Aux Nobles – excellent | JW
Intermediate class
Carus Stella UPE – excellent | CAC
Moment of three males competing for CACIB title
Congratulations to all very best owners!
I am very happy to see how much you love your dogs and take all the best care of them.
Till the next meeting!