Today I will tell you not only about our current litter “C”, but also give some advice of useful things when planning and already growing the puppies.
Before planing a litter you need to take care of indoor kennel and also the whelping box what is very important. This one (click) might be an example to you as it is not very difficult to do by yourself. First 2 weeks puppies are too week to get out when being pressed by sleeping mother. It may cause the death of a pup. Walls of whelping box must have a borders around to protect the puppies from the risk being pressed.
Next thing that is good to have – EZwhelp Washable Whelping & Puppy Pad. The cost is really worth the product as you don’t need to buy many one-time-use every week. It also observes the smell quite good.
If your puppies are born in same colour, it’s important to mark them by Whelp ID collars – Puppy ID Bands, so you will know who is who. It’s also good to put collars that puppies would get used to them and it would be easier for the future owners.
From the day 21 I begun to feed puppies extra with high quality food for puppies. Food must be very soft, so I leave it in the warm water for at least 30 minutes. Its very convenient to feed puppies from Indipets Extra Heavy Stainless Steel Puppy Saucer with Raised Center. It’s very tiring when puppies flip over the bowl with food every time you have prepared it. So this heavy saucer really makes its job.
These are few very helpful things I use for my puppies.
Litter “C” is the second and the last litter of our beloved and most special dog Upe. Find out more about Upe here:
My daily observations of pups gave an idea to write a diary form as most appropriate way. What’s big happening during the first days of puppy life:
DAY 1 Puppies came to this world long time waited on October 15, 2012 and began to grow very fast developing more and more every day. Since day one puppies lived in whelping box.
DAY 9 First pup opened it’s little blue eyes. Next day all puppies were blinking at us. So soon and so wonderful!
DAY 14 Puppies try to communicate to each other and make funny “ear expression”. In the first video made by us you can see them communicating (see video below).
DAY 21 Big day for pups. Two big things happened:
- The first food bite ever! Something so different from mommy’s milk but they’ve enjoyed it since second bite.
- Moving from whelping box to specially designated big kennel with new sleeping zone in the crate and spacious playground (see video bellow).
DAY 22 Weigh day. The average weight of growing bellies – 1.5 kg (3.30 lb).
After all this was time for the first de-worming procedure.
So much more left to discover and experience in this world… And we will share a lot of it with you!
Most of these moments are little moments but that is all what makes things big and important. To capture those moments and be able to share them we decided to make a YouTube channel. You are welcome to take a look:
- Three stages of the day. Puppies on day 21 – arriving at the new kennel:
- First attempts to communicate with each other at the age of 14 days:
I encourage you to subscribe to our YouTube channel.
Last few days we’ve spent setting up the space for puppies at home. I have some valuable tips to share with you about how to build an indoor dog enclosure (kennel / pen). I will do it in my next post.
Hope you’ve enjoyed videos of our cute little creatures.
Please leave your comments below.