Last weekend (15 and 16 October) there were two international Dog Shows in Vilnius – “Vilnius Winter” and “Christmas Cup”. The last dog shows this year.
I enjoyed seeing three males from litter “Baltia”, born 2011.
Our young star Baltia Sumu UPE at “VILNIUS WINTER” got CAC and R.CACIB.
Sumu (Rukas) was not on the mood first day, didn’t want to stand still when coming to the ring through female which was in strong heat. However, he is still a young male.
The second day at CHRISTMAS CUP 2012 Sumu was placed for CAC, CACIB, BOB and finally BEST IN GROUP 2 at the age of 15 months!
Baltia Sumu UPE is already Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian, Baltic, Belorussian, Russian Junior CHAMPION! I am very very happy about his owners, who work and show him so much. He is a great dog with lots of joy and beautiful movement.
Baltia Jarvi UPE both days was best Junior and got 2 x JUNIOR WINNER titles.
Jarvi is already Lithuanian Junior Champion. Very nicely build male with beautiful chocolate trousers.
After official part brothers had some fun outside. Nice to see them flying around. They love to run, they are born to run and hunt!
See you next year, dear “parents!” :]