Last weekend we went all the way up to the West coast of Estonia. 2017-10-14/15
IFFS World Cup Races event – Baltic Cup IV took place at a beautiful Jõulumäe Recreational Sports Centre with a history of over 40 years.
Lithuanians came back with 6 Gold, 3 Silver medals, 1 Bronze and other great results!
Track was of full 5 km x 2 days. Nice skiing tracks in a pine-woods.
3 dogs from kennel UPE were participating. All experienced good sport dogs with passion, power and speed:
Bogdan & and Invi (Callidus Invictum UPE) – FIRST in Canicross category! Gold from 14 men, Elite class!
First day start was with 2 lines. Two participants had a start at once.
Bogdan and Invi at the Finish line:
Second day was a new experience for our Team – massive Canicross Start. I am not a big fan of this idea but was interesting to see it live.
First set was done by fastest runners after the First day’s results. 10 fastest runners:
And the Finish!
Rūta & Hugo ( Exito Bueno UPE) – FIRST!! – Gold in Veteran class woman!
It was only second races for Ruta and she did it so perfectly, respect from me!
It was first time Vilte was running with Utu and they both were so fast, so strong! Vilte would have even take 3 place if running together with men! Iron women and it’s just a beginning [:
Some random pictures and few moments from Award Ceremony:

Bogdan & Invi – these two guys are a real friends and have a very special connection in every day life. And that was 15th of October – 5th Birthday for INVI. There could not be a better present
Such a feeling! Congratulations to all participants and biggest thanks to organisers.
Hope to be back in a year!
And my favorite picture of super SIX!

Ruta & Hugo (Exito Bueno UPE) | 2.5 years
Bogdan & Invi (Callidus Invictum UPE) | 5 years
Vilte & Utu (Baltia Utu UPE) | 6 years
Next races – 28th October, we’re ready!