Hunting Dog Speciality + 2 x CACIB Shows In MOLETAI

I am less active with blog for the last months as our 12 puppies needed lots of time.

Anyway, wanted to share our results with pictures from one of the biggest shows in our country. It is my favourite shows as it takes 3 days. One day is for Specialities and other 2 – International Shows. The area (MOLETAI) is surrounded by many lakes so it’s a perfect place to stay with friends and dogs for the long weekend and open swimming season [:


On Friday Hunting Speciality show was judged by respectable Marko Lepasaar (EST).
Only 2 of our dogs were entered: Flash of Goal UPE (11 months) and Magas (Halston Caps Lock – almost 3 years).

Goal was participating in Junior class for the very first time and went for Club Junior Winner’17 with a good critique and nice handling by his owner Laura.

Magas was Club Winner’17, Best Male, Best of Breed!

Father Magas and son Goal – Club Winners of the Year 2017!


SATURDAY IDS – BALTIC WINNER 2017 was judged by respectable Krystyna Opara (PL).
We had a bigger group of participants:
> Flash of Goal UPE (Junior class male | 11 months) – Junior Winner, Baltic Junior Winner’17, Crufts qualification 2018, Best Junior

Flash of Goal UPE (Junior class male | 11 months) – Junior Winner x 3, Club Junior Winner’17, Baltic Junior Winner’17, Crufts qualification 2018, Best Junior, NEW LT Junior Champion in 3 days!

> Exito Bueno UPE (Open class male | 2 years), ex. 1 (2), CAC, R. CACIB

Exito Bueno UPE (Open class male | 2 years), ex. 1 (2), CAC, R. CACIB, ex. 2

> Magas (Halston Caps Lock | Champion male | almost 3 years) – CAC, CACIB, W, Baltic Winner’17, Crufts qualification 2018, Best of Breed

Magas (Halston Caps Lock | Champion male | almost 3 years) – 3 x CAC, 2 x CACIB, 2 x W, Club Winner’17, Baltic Winner’17, Crufts qualification 2018, Best of Breed, BEST IN GROUP 3

> Flash of Magic UPE (Junior class female | 11 months) first time in Junior class – Junior Winner, Baltic Junior Winner’17, Crufts qualification 2018

Flash of Magic UPE (Junior class female | 11 months) – Junior Winner x 2, Baltic Junior Winner’17, Crufts qualification 2018, Best Junior

> Exito Belleza UPE (Open class female | 2 years) – ex. 1, CAC, R. CACIB. Unfortunately I have no picture of standing Eza this time. We will organise to make her new pictures soon.

Exito Belleza UPE (Open class female | 2 years) – ex. 1, CAC, R. CACIB


SUNDAY IDS was judged by respectable Mile Aleksoski (Macedonia)
> Flash of Goal UPE (Junior class male | 11 months) – Junior Winner
> Exito Bueno UPE (Open class male | 2 years), ex. 2
> Magas (Halston Caps Lock | Champion male | almost 3 years) – CAC, CACIB, Best of Breed, BEST IN GROUP 3!
> Flash of Magic UPE (Junior class female | 11 months) – Junior Winner, Best Junior!
> Exito Belleza UPE (Open class female | 2 years) – ex. 1, CAC, R. CACIB.

BOB (magas), BOS (Charleswood Rhonda) and Best Junior (Flash of Magic UPE) by respectable Mile Aleksoski from Macedonia

More pictures from the show:

Best GSP’s compared for BOB

Magas in BIG ring

Kiss from charming Magas *

Flash of Magic UPE before Junior finals

Flash of Magic UPE in Junior Finals

Flash of Magic UPE in Junior Finals at the age of 11 months

Magas Best in Group 3


One more picture of Magas taken by Laura. There can not be too many pictures of a beautiful dogs [:

Magas in BIG ring


This is my favourite picture of Magas, his daughter Magic and son Goal. Kids are only 11 months young.

Shows always bring lots of good emotions being with wonderful friends.

Thank you to judges, organisers and all our TEAM for helping in every step and making the whole weekend unforgettable even with lots of mosquitos [:



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