We are back from Latvia’s very first CACT Field Trials competition with only best impressions.

Latvian Hunting Dog Club
Only Invi (Callidus Invictum UPE) was participating from our Team this time. And we are back with II Degree Diploma (77 points).
All the participants were German Shorthaired Pointers what made this competition even more interesting to compare many dogs with same possibilities.
Beautiful work from dogs. Was really enjoying the competition together with a good friend of me – Audrius that is always ready to help me.
I see mistakes that are done by me but Invi works great and always wants to collaborate. When I work with Invi, I feel we are partners – we work together not individually. That’s a great feeling achieved by lots of work and still so much left to do.
Also liked a very wise work from judges side. Trials never can be planed from A to Z as there are dogs and wild included, fields, changing wind and air conditions. It makes every situation unique. Judges were analysing the behaviour of each dog being open and using moment here and now. The level of working dogs was high and worth to see. Different style, different speed, different approach.
Honorable judges:
Jelena Stekkere (LV)
Peteris Zvaigzne (LV)
Agnese Zvaigzne (LV)
We were surrounded by beautiful Golden Autumn nature and very dramatic sky which turned into a heavy rain just at the award ceremony. Was able to make a reportage from the waiting point. Some pictures are also taken by Audrius.
See some moments of our Saturday:
- Autumn colours and coming storm
- Talks
- Preparation works
- It’s about to start
- Official part
- Official part
- Discussing the field
- First Participant
- Ready to work | Male Participant from Arabel kennel
- Female Participant from Blackberry Point kennel
- Female Participant from Moon Eyes kennel
- Flying and..
- .. and really speeding. Excellent search done by her
- Waiting for our turn
- Invi (Callidus Invictum UPE) on pheasant search
- Invi (Callidus Invictum UPE) on pheasant search
- Invi (Callidus Invictum UPE) pheasant pointing
- Invi (Callidus Invictum UPE) pheasant pointing
- Very sweet female Beretta from Arabel kennel
- Flying mode on 1
- Flying mode on 2
- Male from Arabel kennel
- Male from Arabel kennel
- Strong boy
- Laima Moon Eyes
- There is always lots of talks about dogs and trainings
- Another participant from Belarus (Don’t know the name)
- Searching pheasant
- Male from Arabel kennel
- Male from Arabel kennel
- Mr. Peteris and Beretta
- Participant from Belarus
- Waiting for the results
- Beautiful ES
- Russian Spaniel
- Nice company
- Beautiful ES
- Trio
- Three gangsters
- Landscape before storm and..
- and.. few minutes later
- Invi got diploma
- Receiving prices [:
- Judges and first 3 places
- Time to go home
- Latvia, we will back next year!