Ori | Eza | Lara | Sabi
Last Weekend we spend in Latvia – Adazi city. Participated at International Dog Show and Hunting Speciality with totally amazing results.
It’s a specially good feeling to go to another country for the Dog Show and meet nice long seen people. Latvia is that kind of a place.
We had 3 dogs entered and Eza (Exito Belleza UPE) traveled just for fun as she is already Junior Champion of all Baltic States.
First Day our judge was respectable Martin Johansson (SWE).
Really liked the way he judged our breed. Description are detailed enough and all advantages and disadvantages of each dog very aptly described.
> Ori (Malomkozi Luxor) – Junior Winner, new LV J CH
> Lara (Malomkozi Lara) was Junior Winner, Best Junior, new LV J CH. Unfortunately there is no BIS in Latvia for Juniors at CACIB and CAC shows, only Specialities.
> Sabi (Halston Cinnamon) – CAC, R. CACIB, new Latvian Champion
Sunday was more successful day to us. Did a maximum program for sure:
> Ori (Malomkozi Luxor) – Club Junior Winner
> Lara (Malomkozi Lara) – Club Junior Winner, Best Junior and BEST IN SHOW JUNIOR
> Sabi (Halston Cinnamon) – CAC, Club Winner, BOB, BEST IN GROUP and BEST IN SHOW!
We had a very impressive and joyful Norwegian judge from UK – Sigurd Wilberg. Our dogs got unique descriptions with such a comments:
> Ori – “…moves like a little Prince”..
> Lara – “…moves like a Princess”..
> Sabi – “Queen of the ball”, “stands and moves to perfection” ..
The atmosphere of the show was very friendly and nice as judge was very relaxed and smiling to every participant. As well organisers did a good job.
And after all we went to the Sea for lots of pleasure and freedom to everybody!
We are very pleased with the show and hope gonna be back next year.
Tomorrow new little marathon begins – 3 x IDS in Druskininkai, 5 dogs entered.
Some more news to come soon..
Huge huge congratulations!!!
Nice hat