Last weekend our team had a very successful 2 x National Dog Shows in Vilnius.
First day German Shorthaired Pointers were judged by Mr. Markku Kipina from Finland and second day by Mrs. Bozena Ovesna from Check Republic.
First day the absolute star was very young and beautiful Sabi (Halston Cinnamon), winning Junior winner, Best Junior, Best Female and Best of Breed titles in a competition with beautiful dogs being just 14 months young! She didn’t stop with BOB and at the finals we won Best in Group, so went to the final Best in Show ring with other 9 most beautiful dogs of the Show. Here Sabi was selected to the third place!
Owned by my Dear friend Egidija and me with who we always have a very special time, no matter we are in the fields or just chilling at the restaurant. Good to have you, Girls.

Baltia Sumu UPE with Dominyka and Sabi (Halston Cinnamon) with me comparing for BOB Title Sabi winning Best of Breed title at the age of 14 months
Second day Sabi was Junior winner, Best Junior and Best Female. And beautiful male Baltia Sumu UPE (Rukas), was Best of Breed and as well won the Best in Group! Congratulations to owners Tomash, Luiza and Dominyka.
Magas (Halston Caps Lock) got his first titles winning both days Junior winner, so we’re on the way to Junior Champion title with him. I am very happy, that Magas with his history as rescued dog finally feels secured even at the Dog Show. That’s a big win for us with Simona and Tautvydas.
Invi (Callidus Invictum UPE) first day was ex.2 after long comparisons with only positive description and second day he was first adding one more CAC title at the Working class.
And my most beloved Veteran girl – UPE was both days Best Veteran and second day at the finals from a big and beautiful selection of Veterans she was Best in Show Veteran III. Mr. Markku Kipina said, that Upe looks as a perfect sculpture and was really fascinated about her. As well gave very exclusive description about her.
Upe is amazing personality and extremely noble dog.
Both days I got a professional support from (I could say without questioning) one of the best Junior Handlers in my country – Vilte Sokaityte. Thank you, Dear for showing Invi and Upe with best attitude.
Second day was a bit of confusion in the ring as the judge wanted to see all the dogs in one ring, so big thanks goes to Dovile for help showing Magas.
The show is always a game. One time you win, the other you loose. But in the end it is just a dog show. Most important I have the very best Dogs and very best Friends who always support me no matter what.
After every show we have a ritual – PARTY with German Shorthaired Pointers!
Have a great day!