Last weekend was very active, with lots of great emotions between wonderful friends and getting some really amazing results, but lets start from the beginning..
Our aim at this 2 x NDS at Kaunas was to socialise the youngsters (7 months young pups) and get the last Junior Winner title for Magas to close his Lithuanian Junior Champion. And here everything begun..
On Saturday our dogs were judged by Shamil Abrakimov (RU) and on Sunday by Elzbieta Chwalibog (PL).
Our results:
Exito Belezza UPE (F/Puppy/7 months) – 1st / very promising
Exito Bueno UPE (M/Puppy/7 months) – 1st / very promising / best puppy x 2
Callidus Invictum UPE (M/Working/3 years) – 1st (from 2) – CAC x 2 and Winner
Curo Ignis UPE (F/Open/3 years) – 1st (from 2), CAC, W, BOS (participated only on Saturday)
Amazonjoki UPE (F/Veteran/9 years) – 1st, Best Veteran x 2, W, BOS
Halston Caps Lock (M/Junior/16 months) – JW x 2 (from 2), BOB x 2, both days this guy won BEST IN SHOW JUNIOR from lots of lots of beautiful dogs!
As well he was placed BEST IN GROUP both days
And the best part, this dog being 16 months young was BEST IN SHOW II on Saturday and..
Total winner – BEST IN SHOW on Sunday!
Some pictures and more of the story:
Sister and brother competing for the Best Puppy. It was their first show.
Viktorija and Zivile did a great job with the youngsters.

Exito Belezza UPE (Female/Puppy/7 months) – 1st / very promising Exito Bueno UPE (Male/Puppy/7 months) – 1st / very promising / best puppy x 2
Magas was not the easiest dog to handle that day..
This is the only and not the best picture of my buddy Invi, unfortunately
Igi – most lovely and creative jumper female I ever met. Was so nice to see these two beautiful ladies coming back on the “stage”. Dovile and Igi.

Curo Ignis UPE (Female/Open/3 years) – 1st (from 2), CAC, W, BOS (participated only on Saturday) This pictureis taken by Inesa Photography
Puppies and Veterans makes me melt away..
Thank you once again, Julia, for showing my absolute beauty treasure Upe in a very best way.
And that is called – the judging look. No, we are looking at little Hugo (Exito Bueno UPE) entering the Puppy BIS ring
And here he is with Zivile very first time at the show
Upe and Julia entering the Veteran BIS ring
Upe wining Best Veteran of the Show IV on Sunday with Julia Jershova.
I could look and look the Veterans, who are still in the show condition and show the temperament.
One part of our funny team. No, we are the relatives actually.
Magas and me entering the Best in Group ring
Magas at the Best in Group ring
Yes, winning the Group of 7th FCI
Judges look on Magas in the Main ring of Best Juniors in Show.
And here he goes – BEST IN SHOW JUNIOR both days
The eye blink for the friends who were amazing support team ever.
That’s the Best in Show on Saturday
The moment I love captured by my great friend Fotorasa
Another picture of BIS ring from Saturday
Moment of amazing number of wins makes everybody fly, I guess..
And now is a very last picture on podium, I promise.
Sunday – BEST IN SHOW!!
Can’t imagine better support than these people, just look at them..
We have an eye on things and will not stop by this. I think this is a great beginning for beautiful young male Magas and the youngsters as well.
The most amazing thing about all these wins is, that Magas is a rescued dog with not that bright history till he was saved by his breeders and than came to us. Thank you for it, Agnes and David. Now my heart is so happy to see this boy on a very TOP.
One person can do very little to compare with real strong team, who is open to help and support each other.
That’s how I feel and I am most thankful to co-owners, who are my friends: Viktorija & Taurius, Dovile, Zivile & Audrius, Rasa, who captures great and very important moments, Ruta & Vaiva, Simona & Tautvydas who put so much work on Magas.
Way to go for all of us.
With love,