International Dog Shows | Lithuanian Winner 2017

Flash of Magic UPE | almost 9 months female

Las weekend we had 2 x IDS in Vilnius, LT. Lithuanian Winner 2017 and Vilnius Cup 2017.
Saturday was special day because it was a “Men’s Day”. No, not an international one but local – Bogdan and Audrius have lost a bet and had to show dogs in a ring for the first time in their lives [:  It was very exiting to our team and I can say that both guys did a very great job looking amazing and nearly professional. Our teacher Svetlana made a very effective lesson to them and we have brand new 2 handlers over here :DD 

Bogdan in the ring for the very first time in his life handling Magas in Champion class . Looking professional [: | excl. 1; CAC, CACIB, BOS, Lithuanian Winner’17

Audrius running in the ring for the very first time in his life as well. Handling Hugo in Intermediate class | excl. 1; CAC | Looking so good! [:

Another reason of the special weekend – we had many debuts. Not only guys being handlers for the first time but also our 4 puppies from the last litter were shown in puppy class. They don’t look as puppies anymore as they are turning 9 months in a few days so now they are long legged teens just like spaghetti :DD

Flash of Goal UPE waiting for the ring | almost 9 month

Flash of Goal UPE running in the ring | Very promising puppy I  | Handled by Laura

Flash of Space UPE running in the ring | Very promising puppy I; Best Puppy in Breed | Handled by Iveta

Flash of Space UPE – the judge greeting for the Best Puppy in Breed

Another 2 puppies were on Sunday:

Flash of Light UPE | Puppy class | Very promising II | Handled by Vytas

Flash of Magic UPE | Puppy class | Very promising I | Handled by me

Saturday “Lithuanian Winner 2017” was judged under MARKKU MÄHÖNEN (FIN).
It was a change of judges as we were suppose to have Horst Kliebenstein from Germany.

Sunday “Vilnius Cup 2017” was judged under respectable KARL REISINGER (AT).

Saturday was funny in the way that our Lara, who is World Junior Winner’16, Helsinki Junior Winner’16, LT-LV-EST-RU-BALT JCH and a stunning mover, went for her very first and hopefully last VERY GOOD participating in Intermediate class..
Next day Lara was CAC, W, CACIB and BOS from 3 strong and beautiful females.

Lara | Intermediate class | CAC, W, CACIB, BOS | Handled by Viktorija


Saturday – male Comparison for CACIB

Saturday – Comparison for CACIB | Exito Bueno UPE: CAC | Nigel Oberon Haus: CAC, R. CACIB | Magas: CAC, CACIB, LT W’17, BOS

Saturday – comparison for BOB – Magas and Utopia

Utopia Z Czarnego Dworu (PL) and Magas (Halston Capslock) | BOB & BOS on Saturday

SUNDAY – Vilnius CUP 2017

Exito Bueno UPE | Intermediate class | excl. II on Sunday | Handled by Zivile

Male’s comparison for CACIB title                                                                                                          Komix Keiviento (sorry for cut nose) – CAC, R. CACIB | Nigel Oberon Haus – CAC | Magas (Halston Capslock) – CAC, CACIB, BOB

Females Open class – Utopia Z Czarnego Dworu (PL) excl. II and Avaline Tosca (LV) excl. 1, CAC, R. CACIB

Line for BOB and BOS titles: Champion Magas, Junior Elzara (RU) and Intermediate Lara

Best of Breed and Best Female – Magas & Lara judged by respectable Karl Reisinger (AT)

Quick stack in pre-judging Ring

Magas – Best in Group III

And time for our traditional fun fun fun outside!

Magas and his kids

Kuba and half of Runa [:

Lara the Rabbit :DD

Maga (Flash of Magic UPE) interpretation of moose

Lets play – “NO EARS” game :DD

And the winner is Kuba (Flash of Space UPE)

Father Magas

Ele (Flash of Life UPE)

Run Kuba, run and fight for your life :DD

2 daughter and father: Flash of Life UPE | Father Magas | Flash of Magic UPE


This is the sweetest picture of 4 sisters at the age of almost 9 months: Maga (Flash of Magic UPE), Runa (Flash of Soul UPE), Ele (Flash of Life UPE) and Kuba (Flash of Space UPE)

Pictures from the ring (Sunday) are made by Rasa Rugiada, thanks a lot my dear as always. Such an important help from you every time when you are available.

Bogdan for all over support and amazing performance in the ring! Also for taking pictures on Saturday.

Audrius- no words! Beautiful debut in the Ring!

Viktorija, everywhere and always – you’re best of best *.

Planing our next shows [:

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