May, 2013.
We left our country early in the morning to get to the Budapest in one day. It took us nearly 1400km. “We” – that’s two GSP’s – Rukas (Baltia Sumu UPE) and our youngster Invi (Callidus Invictum UPE), Dominyka, Luiza and I with my soul friend Bogdan.
The trip didn’t feel too long. The reason is our little adventure in the forest and good mood, I suppose. Our car got totally stucked into the sand. For one hour we were trying to dig the sand out of the bottom of the car using trash, which we found in the bush as flower pot… However, finally we succeed and could continue the tour.
Luiza and me ready for the show…
Early in the morning, around 3:30 AM local time we reached pets friendly Haller camping in Budapest. At the time we were preparing tents to sleep, the early birds were already starting the new day…
We slept late and chilled enjoying the perfect afternoon.
Next morning was the day we were waiting for – Club Show VII FCI at Gödöllő, Hungary with judge Mr. Guy Spangolo (AU).
My dear Invi (Callidus Invictum UPE) was the Best Puppy and Best in Show III at the age of 7 months! Invi got his very first cup.
Happy we running to the third place at the Puppy Best in Show
Champion Baltia Sumu Upe (Rukas) was placed second in Intermediate class. The judging did not fit to my understanding but it’s normal as we all are individualities.
Baltia Sumu UPE (Rukas) at Club Show Gödöllő
Baltia Sumu UPE (Rukas) and Kengyel Reme Apacs (Malamközi lines)
Next day was the Big Day – World Dog Show 2013
Judge – Mr. Horst Kliebenstein (D)
Callidus Invictum UPE – Best Puppy
Baltia Sumu UPE at the age of 20 months with over 20 Best of Breed titles and Best in Show, being the Best Young Dog of the Year 2012 LT, refused the judge for the very first time while measuring the hight and has been disqualified..
Dogs are not robots, so it happens…
World Winner and BOB went to female Hiacynta Anons FCI from Poland. Congrats to Paulina!
We are back home…
Coming back home from the trip always brings special cosy feelings.
Thanks to our friends Luiza and Dominyka for the really great trip. We will organize another-one…
Last weekend Rukas won International CACIB show going for Best in Show!
Rukas didn’t need any “rehabilitation” after WDS. Was showing himself with full power and absolute confidence just a week later after the WDS.
Will share photos soon.
Thanks for sharing – I am so happy for all of you!
Rasa, ačiū!
Inga, ačiū tau!