05-06 of March we had 2 x International Dog Shows hold in Vilnius.
So, today I will share pictures from 2 x IDS – “Lithuanian Winner’16” and “Vilnius CUP’16”.

Callidus Invictum UPE (INVI) | 3 years
Lithuanian Winner’16 was judged under honorable judge from Finland Harri Lehkonen.
Really liked the judging. All dogs were carefully looked and touched, measured if there was a doubt about hight. Dogs good clear and convincing descriptions.
Vilnius Cup’16 was judged under honorable judge from Poland. Andrzej Mania. The judging was not what I understand as being objective and detailed. Most of the dogs were not even looked at while running, descriptions are of three words with no sensible remarks.
I will write results of only our dogs or dogs that been bred by:
Puppy class
Ori got a nice critique, perfect socialisation, and was placed FIRST with Very Promising.
Puppy class
This girl was placed FIRST with Very Promising. Super showing and acting in the ring.
Lara was Best Puppy of the day and was selected to top 6 at the Puppy BIS competition from lots of puppies both days! Ori was shown only on Saturday.
Under this picture I want to say a big THANK YOU to our great trainer Svetlana Valueva, who helps us with youngsters to feel great wherever they are and cares about us.
We will go for more!
Junior class
Hugo is Lithuanian and Estonian Junior Champion.
On the weekend he went for:
> Junior Winner x 2
> Junior BOB
> Selected to Top Juniors at the Finals
> Got Lithuanian Junior Winner’16 title

Exito Bueno UPE (Hugo) | 11 months > 2 x Junior Winner > Junior BOB > Selected to Top Juniors at the Finals > Got Lithuanian Junior Winner’16 title
Junior class
Eza closed her Lithuanian and Estonian Junior Champion titles.
On the weekend she went for:
> Junior Winner x 2
> Junior BOB
> Selected to Top Juniors at the Finals
> Got Lithuanian Junior Winner’16 title
> Closed LT J Champion

Exito Belleza UPE (Eza) | 11 months > 2 x Junior Winner > Junior BOB > Selected to Top Juniors at the Finals > Got Lithuanian Junior Winner’16 title
Working class
Invi was beautifully presented by pro-handler Vilte Sokaityte. Big thanks to you.
Invi went for 2 x CAC, R. CACIB
Invi was presented by Vilte at JH on Sunday and they were placed res. BIG from 18!
Such a great result. Happy that Vilte has a special connection with my special Invi.
On Saturday Julia Jershova was 5th with Invi. Big congratulations, you rule girls!
Champion class
Rukas did a great job as always. He went for 2 x CAC, 2 x W, 2 x BOB and Best in Group in big competition!
Congratulations to his owners Luiza and Tomash.
Intermediate class
Not the best pictures of Sabi, but that’s what I got.
Sabi went for 2 x CAC, 2 x W, 2 x CACIB and 2 x BOS titles.
Love to run with this girl moving so easy and harmonic.
Lara at the Puppy BIS
Hugo at the Junior BIS (Sunday)
And the very final fun to everybody is – going out, running fast..
Every show is a new great time with great friends.
Thank you, Rasa, for taking pictures during the Ring, so we can watch us from aside and learn more.
Thank you all *